Thursday, January 10, 2019

AED Big Ideas

Ai Weiwei’s Good Fences Make Good Neighbors art project in Washington Square Park.
 Ai Weiwei’s Good Fences Make Good Neighbors art project in Washington Square Park. Photograph: JasonWyche



This piece like many of Weiwei's work concentrates on the concept of fences and boarders and their attempts to create "some kind of hatred between people."

Ai Weiwei’s Good Fences Make Good Neighbors art project in Washington Square Park. Photograph: JasonWyche

Big Ideas:

Immigration and refugees
Basic human rights
closed and open mindedness


What were your first thoughts on this piece?

How does the use of new work and already placed work add to the piece?

What are your personal feelings on this work?

What kind of reaction do you think this work received? By which parties?

How would this piece be different if not placed under the already standing arch?